COLLISIONS, directed by Richard Levien tells the story of two young kids separated from their mother by ICE forces. When twelve-year-old…
Month: September 2019
“As an American-Iranian filmmaker I spent most of my life outside the U.S., therefore I had no idea how it…
Shahab Hosseini, the star of Asghar Farhadi’s Oscar-winning movies “A Separation” and “The Salesman”, will lead the cast in Finnish-Iranian…
They say it takes a village to raise a child. And Jeanne Herry’s sensitive second feature, In Safe Hands, illustrates…
The 23rd edition of the COLCOA French Film Festival, “A week of French Film and Series Premieres in Hollywood,” will…
I wish all the fans of cinema as art could attend 2019 Vancouver International Film Festival. I call this festival amazing…
Adapted from the acclaimed novel Neither Wolf Nor Dog by Kent Nerburn the story follows a white author who gets…
MUBI in September streams films and curated series from both emerging talent and acclaimed directors from across the globe. MUBI…
2019 LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers opens on September 19th and continues until September 26th. Unlike most…
Every month at Cinema Without Borders and CineEqual, we receive numerous emails and phone calls from independent, international filmmakers of…