Browsing: Bridging The Borders Award

Cinema Without Borders has announced its jury members to decide on the winner of 2021 MOZAIK Bridging The Borders Award at the LUCAS International Festival for Young Film Lover in Germany. LUCAS programmers have also announced the nominees for the Cinema Without Borders’ Bridging The Borders Award sponsored by MOZAIK Philanthropy. A jury of six, formed by CWB will decide on the winning films at the closing night of the festival. Keely Badger, Executive Director of MOZAIK, the sponsor of the Bridging The Borders Award, will announce the winning film in a video message that will be played at the…

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Burbank, CA – June 17th, 2021: Today, Cinema Without Borders announced jury members  for MOZAIK Bridging The Borders Award for  the 2021 Palm Springs International ShortFest Film Festival. The Bridging The Borders Award at the 2021 Palm ShortFest will be given to the most successful film in bringing the people of our world closer together. MOZAIK Bridging The Borders Award  is presented by Cinema Borders and award sponsored and prize provided by MOZAIK. The winner of Bridging the Borders Award will receive a cash prize of $2500. Cinema Without Borders’ jury members to decide the 2021 winner of the MOZAIK…

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Cinema Without Borders has announced Primavera directed by Carlos Porto de Andrade Júnior from Brazil as the winner of the Mozaik Bridging The Borders Award at  the 2021 Ramsgate International Film & TV Festival, UK. The Soul of a Cyclist  directed by Nuno Tavares from Portugal also receives Bridging The Borders Award Honorary Mention. This was the first time that Cinema Without Borders and Mozaik offered Bridging the Borders Award at Ramsgate International Film & TV Festival. In a live virtual award ceremony on the festival site, Keely Badger one of the CWB jury members and Executive Director of MOZAIK,…

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Last week at the 2020 Lucas International Festival for Young Film Lovers in Germany, the Cinema Without Borders jury announced the winners of the GoE Bridging The Borders Award, as well as their Honorable Mention . The LUCAS Festival’s award ceremony was one of the rare cinematic events that was held in the presence of a small number of audience members during the Covid-19 Pandemic era. Yeganeh Taheri, Cinema Without Borders’ representative in Germany, read the GoE Bridging The Borders Award jury statement announcing the jury’s Honorable Mention recipient. “The seven nominees were all interesting films. One standout story is about a young boy…

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Advocate- (Israel/Canada/Switzerland) is documentary feature film  directed by Rachel Leah Jones & Philippe Bellaiche – This intimate and moving documentary spotlights fiercely optimistic and compassionate human rights attorney Lea Tsemel as she continues her lifelong mission of defending the defenseless, despite the torrent of backlash she receives for being an Israeli lawyer seeking justice for Palestinians accused of terrorism. Advocate was in Academy Awards Shortlist for Feature Documentary Oscar and it also won GoE Bridging The Borders Award at 2020 Palm Springs International Film Festival. To learn more about making of Advocate we had a phone interview with  Rachel Leah Jones…

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At a time when physical, religious, racial, cultural, and economic borders divide the population of our planet, efforts to bridge those borders should be appreciated. In that spirit, Cinema Without Borders presents Bridging the Borders Award to the films that are most successful in bridging and connecting the people of our world closer together. Bridging The Borders Award is offered at Palm Springs International Film Festival, Palm Springs International ShoerFest Film Festival, Southeast European Film Festival, LA and Polish Film Festival, LA. Bridging The Borders Award has been sponsored by HP for the Palm Springs International Film Festival and Palm…

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