Browsing: Film Reviews

I have just one thing to say: I want a black, alien, “Spidey” suit! If my guess is correct, I will not be the only Spider-Man fan leaving theaters this weekend wishing I was swinging and jumping from rooftops like some rabid ninja. In fact, we are likely to see tensions this Halloween between these “alien spider beings” and those lovable pirates, which we are so used to seeing at the ever popular, “Pirate” parties. Soon enough, we will be going to “Spider-Man” parties, and all of us guys will finally get a stab at that Mary Jane Watson character!…

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Based loosely and influenced by the 1987 Norwegian film “Ofelas” (Pathfinder) by Director Nils Gaup, “Ofelas” (which won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film) told the tale of a young boy who witnessed the slaughter of his family around 1000 AD, in Northern Scandinavia, and sought vengeance upon his family’s murderers. He is eventually held captive by this warlike tribe and forced him to lead them to the others. The boy plots to destroy them before they even reach the other camp. Similar to the 1987 film, music video director, Marcus Nispel (“The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”) directs the 2007,…

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First time director, Stephen J. Anderson brings wonderfully to life the adaptation of William Joyce’s 1993 children’s story, A Day With Wilbur Robinson. Backed by Disney magic, the story unfolds with young Lewis (voiced by Jordan Fry, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), a little boy visionary who was delivered to a doorstep of an orphanage as a baby. During a horrible rainstorm, Lewis’ mother made the decision to give up her child. Found by Mildred who runs the orphanage (voiced by Angela Bassett), Lewis is taken in and raised by her to hopefully one day have a family all of…

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Color Me Kubrick is a film based on the true story of Alan Conway, a con artist who in the 1990’s fooled many by passing himself off as the great director Stanley Kubrick. The film first introduces Alan Conway (John Malkovich) as an eccentric, middle aged man residing in a small apartment in the United Kingdom. From the beginning two things are clear; the first being that Conway uses Stanley Kubrick’s celebrity to, ironically feel as if he, himself were famous. The second is that by doing this he is able to scam people by feigning to help them with…

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When it’s raining in Prague on a Sunday afternoon, then best you could do is going to see a movie. That is how I decided to see Milos Forman’s Goya‘s Ghosts, and I also invited myself for a coffee ina cosy coffee shop near the theater, where it is easy to sit and talk about the movie. But I had no idea what was waiting for me. I spent the next two hours in a whirlwind of beautiful images and horrible scenes that made me run home and right in bed… but the sleep didn‘t come. I saw many of…

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Adapted from Lewis Padgett’s, “All Mimsy Were the Borogroves” – the title originating from Lewis Carroll’s, “The Jabberwocky”, Director Bob Shaye weaves a tale of youth and the last hope of a future civilization. We begin with a brother and sister in Seattle where the wee ones discover an unusual item washed up on the shoreline…a black box. Being kids with of course an inquisitive nature, they discover the contents of this mysterious black box. Within it holds several items- an old bunny rabbit with a cyclic design on its belly, a bluish snail in glass and a sea shell.…

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Offside is a humorous and socially aware film that exposes what many female football aficionados do in Iran in order to attend the sport events of which they are not permitted into. The film is directed by Jafar Panahi and it tells the story of a group of six women who are caught sneaking into the Tehran’s Azadi Stadium to see the football match that will either qualify or eliminate Iran from participating in the Germany 2006 World Cup. Although there are women who are well familiarized with the process of deceiving security and entering these sport events without being…

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In “Volver” director and writer Pedro Almodóvar that makes us wonder what is real and what is fiction. “Volver” means return. But return to what? Does Someone returns? Do we return in time and remember something? Do We travel to a place and we come back? “Volver” shows the story of a mother and her daughter who is also a mother herself. These women and the other characters are caught in a web of circumstances that could only happen inside the intrigues of a small town’s real life. Set in a town outside of Madrid, “Volver” shows us a surreal…

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Two kindred spirits in a reality where they can’t seem to fit in. Growing up becomes an everyday ordeal for both Jesse Aarons (Josh Hutcherson) and Leslie Burke (Anna Sophia Robb). Ten year old Jess must contend with his harsh and martinet father (Robert Patrick), the Riga moral of daily chores, and a chatterbox little sister- May Belle (plus two older ones). Leslie, who is the daughter of novelist parents, and can pretty much beat any boy in a running race- must find escapism to a realm of sheer imagination when parents are just too busy. Based on the best…

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“Earth and water”, for submission to the Persian Empire, King Xerxes I demanded this. However, both the Athenians and the Spartans did not take to this seemingly humble request as they both tossed the Persian messengers into pits in defiance. As part of the Greco-Persian War (incidently begun by Xerxes’ father Darius), The Battle of Thermopylae took place in 480 B.C. where 300 valiant Spartans led by King Leonidas, along with 700 Thespians and other allies, stood strong to protect a mountain pass vital to Greece’s survival. With morale very high to defend their lands, the Spartans battled forces numbering…

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