April 22 – Gala Opening at the Egyptian Theatre. Performance by Wendy Waldman, Mietek Szczesniak and H. B. Barnum Life Choir with Scott Babsoch, Phil Parapino, Kenny Edwards. Presentation of Amicus Poloniae (Friend of Poland) Awrad to to Jane Kaczmarek & Tom LaBonge (Awarded by Ambassador of Poland to USA.)
Presentation of Pola Negri Award to Scott Wilson for his collaboration with Krzysztof Zanussi in “The Year of the Quiet Sun” and “Our God’s Brother” and portraying Polish character (Brother Albert). Both film will be screen in Laemmle Sunset 5 on the 23rd of April.
Presentation of Hollywood Eagle Award to best film selected by jurors: Brian Avery, Tony Bill, Robert Forster, Jane Kaczmarek, Irvin Kershner, Albert Wolsky
Sponsored by Panavision Polska THE OFFSIDERS (Boisko bezdomnych) by Kasia Adamik
Presentation of Hollywood Eagle Documentary Award to best documentary selected by jurors: Ivan Kawalski, Taylor Segrest, Diane Estelle Vicari.
THREE BUDDIES (Trzech kumpli) by Ewa Stankiewicz & Anna Ferens
Presentation of Hollywood Eagle Animation Award by jurors: Benjamin Cincelii, Bill Diaz, Maks Naporowski
CHICK by Michal Socha
Presentation of KODAK Award for best student etude by jurors: Lilly Kilvert, Albert Wolsky
THE ANOTHER DAY (Kolejny dzien) – cinematography by Pawel Chorzepa
THE RUBY WEDDING (Rubinowe gody) by Andrzej Mankowski
The World Premiere of ONE WORLD OF LOVE perform by Marla Maples and Ilona Europa
Official opening by Marla Maples
Los Angeles Premier of “Perfect Guy for My Girl” (Idealny facet dla mojej dziewczyny) by Tomasz Konecki. (in person:Tomasz & Iwona Konecki, Magdalena Rozczka, Maria Seweryn, Katarzyna Smiechowicz)
During the Gala Opening present: Polish Culture Minister Bogdan Zdrojewski, Anna Cieslak, Malgorzata Lazarkiewicz, Szymon Bobrowski,, Jerzy Skolimowski, Agnieszka Lipiec-Wroblewska, Marek Probosz, Przemek Nowakowski, Janusz Kaminski, Damian Ul, Alina Janowska, Jan A. P. Kaczmarek, Leslie Easterbrook , J.P. Davis , Lew Tempel , Michael Dunn, and more.
Later in present: Krzysztof Globisz, Adam Ferency, Robert Wieckiewicz, Kasia Adamik, Andrzej Jakimowski.
.Films in competition: “33 Scenes from Life” by Malgorzata Szumowska, “Drowsiness” by Magdalena Piekorz, “Louise’s Garden” by Maciej Wojtyszko, “The Offsiders” by Kasia Adamik, “Tricks” by Andrzej Jakimowski, “Four Nights with Anna” by Jerzy Skolimowski,
Features with the involvement of Polish Filmmakers:
“Appaloosa” by Ed Harris – Production Designer Waldemar Kalinowski (Present), “House” by Roby Henson (Present) – cinematography by Marcin Koszalka, “Hurt” by Barbara Stepansky (present).
April 23 – 30 – feature presentation at the Laemmle’s Sunset 5.
April 30 – presentation of documentary Po-lin by Jolanta Dylewska at the Los Angeles Holocaust Museum
May 1-3 – documentaries and TV Theatre Plays presentation at the Spielberg Theatre at the Egyptian.
May 1-3 – Feature and TV Theatre Plays presentation at Regency Theatre in Santa Ana