In 2007, the NETSationals Dance team began as a new venture for the franchise, which already boasts a successful collective of hot young (and even younger) cheerleaders and dancers. Selling the idea to investors was no easy task. So when the team was finally selected, the pressure was on, not only to mold them into bona fide dancers, but to sway the powers that be into keeping them as part of the basketball team’s entertainment line up.
Twelve women and one man, two of whom have granddaughters on the younger dance team, were ultimately selected as the pioneers of the NETSationals. The movie follows their journey from audition to their home game debut, and the whirlwind of media attention that follows.
Broadway director and producer Dori Berinstein (“Thoroughly Modern Millie”, “Legally Blonde: The Musical”) captures every minute of the process with vivacity and spirit. Each NETSational dancer has a charming personal story, and all of them are well woven into the film’s main subject matter. As egos surface, injuries are suffered and patience is tested, there is never a dull moment. And although the obvious climax is the NETSationals’ inaugural performance, the true feel good moment of the film is the group’s final dance routine, staged as a “dance-off” between the seniors’ and kids’ dance teams.
The general message of this documentary is clear: Age is nothing but a number. However, GOTTA DANCE goes further to add that there is no age limit to staying active and celebrating your passions, and that life doesn’t wither away after age 50. This movie shatters the stereotypes of ageism with sheer delight, and is a definite must see for all ages. GOTTA DANCE makes you wanna dance!
The film has already won the award for Best Documentary at the Palm Beach Film Festival. It opens in limited release on July 31.
Weak: 1 Star Average: 2 Stars Good: 3 Stars Very Good: 4 Stars Excellent: 5 Stars