Martin Scorsese’s highly anticipated psycho-thriller SHUTTER ISLAND, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo, Michelle Williams and Patricia Clarkson, lived up to its hype during the second day of the Berlin Film Festival, with the press conference mobbed by hundreds of press folk from over 40 countries.
CWB international editor James Ulmer and lead reporter Tanja Meding were there to catch the confusion on their portable Flip HD video camera, and managed to squeeze their way in to the entrance of the jam-packed conference without even scoring a seat ( no surprise, given the shoebox-sized conference room) .That’s what happens when you stay for the end credits of the movie and can’t beat the hoards racing over to here, one can only imagine the heated excitement due the Hollywood troop at the movie’s red-carpet premiere this evening — probably enough to melt all the city’s snow drifts.