With fourteen films selected from sixteen different production and co-production countries, the foundation has been laid for an international programme in the Generation Kplus and Generation 14plus competitions. Generation’s complete programme will be published in mid January.

Generation Kplus:

Kauwboy (Netherlands, by Boudewijn Koole) – A young jackdaw falls out of its nest straight into Jojo’s hands. The 10-year-old feels great empathy for the baby bird, which has no mother and is looking for a loving father just as he is. World premiere

Die Kinder vom Napf (The Children from the Napf, Switzerland, by Alice Schmid; documentary) – They take an aerial cable car to school and when class is out they work in the fields. The cycle of the four seasons, a wolf in the woods and 50 mountain farm children in the “Wild West” of Lucerne Canton. International premiere

Lotte ja kuukivi saladus (Lotte and the Moonstone Secret, Estonia/Latvia, by Janno Põldma and Heiki Ernits; Berlinale 2007: Leiutajateküla Lotte/Lotte from Gadgetville) – In this animated film for young children, magical moonstones lure Lotte, the great inventor’s daughter, away on a fantastic road trip. International premiere

 The Mirror Never Lies (Indonesia, by Kamila Andini) – Pakis, a young girl, is still convinced her father will return from fishing the oceans. The azure waters of Wakatobi archipelago mirror her wistful longing for him. European premiere

 Nono (Philippines, by Rommel Tolentino) – Toto is poor, lives in the slums and has a harelip. His patchwork family sees nothing abnormal in Toto’s desire for normality, despite everything. European premiere

Patatje Oorlog (Taking Chances, Netherlands, by Nicole van Kilsdonk) – For nine-year-old Kiek, a distant war has become a wrenching reality ever since her father disappeared on a medical rescue mission. Though Kiek still believes his chances of returning home in one piece are good. International premiere

Generation 14plus:

Electrick Children (USA, by Rebecca Thomas) – Pregnant by music? Rachel, a young Mormon girl, believes in immaculate conception, while her fundamentally religious family regards her condition as an intolerable transgression. The search for the child’s origins is a revelation for the 15-year-old. Starring Rory Culkin, Billy Zane. World premiere

Joven & Alocada (Young & Wild, Chile, by Marialy Rivas; Berlinale 2011: Blokes/Blocks) –Attempts to enjoy all kinds of sex lead to Daniela’s parents punishing her, yet it’s her way of seeking self-fulfilment. She is torn between an Evangelical upbringing and her rebellious, inquisitive nature. European premiere

Kronjuvelerna (The Crown Jewels, Sweden, by Ella Lemhagen; Berlinale 2000: Tsatsiki, Morsan och Polisen/Tsatsiki, Mum And The Policeman) – Is Richard, the factory owner’s son, really a murderer? And how do you know if a child has a heart of gold? A fabulously convoluted criminal case. Starring Bill Skarsgård (Shooting Star 2012), Alicia Vikander (Shooting Star 2011). International premiere

 Magi I Luften (Love Is In The Air, Denmark/Sweden, by Simon Staho) – To love the wrong person and find the right one, all in one fateful night. A musical that is just as eccentric as these teenagers’ attitude towards life. International premiere

Mustafa’s Sweet Dreams (Greece/Great Britain, by Angelos Abazoglou) – Mustafa wants to become Turkey’s best baklava baker. This docufiction follows its protagonist from the town of Gaziantep to the bakeries of Istanbul. To make Mustafa’s dream come true, more ingredients are needed than just drive and discipline. World premiere

Orchim LeRega (Off White Lies, Israel/France, by Maya Kenig) – During the Second Lebanon War many refugees found shelter with families in southern Israel. Libby’s resourceful father jumps at the chance to save face in her eyes. European premiere

 Un Mundo Secreto (A Secret World, Mexico, by Gabriel Mariño) – The last day of school is the first day of Maria’s long journey. Her trip acrossMexico is not the usual backpacker’s holiday. In danger, Maria sets out to pursue her most intimate dreams. World premiere

Wandeukyi (Punch, Republic of Korea, by Han Lee) – Wan-deuk hates his teacher Dong-Ju more than anyone. And because his teacher lives directly next door, Wan-deuk has to put up with his cruelties at home as well. In fact the teacher only wants to toughen him up for life’s hardships. European premiere

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