Buzkashi Boys directed by Ariel Nasr that was a nominee for Cinema Without Borders’ Bridging The Borders Award at 2012 Palm Springs ShortFest, receives nomination for the best Oscar Live action short film.
Buzkashi Boys
Afghanistan, 2011, 29 Minute Running Time
Additional Countries: USA
Language: Farsi
Shot on location in Kabul, Buzkashi Boys tells the story of two best friends, a blacksmith’s son and a street urchin, who struggle to realize their dreams as they come of age in war-torn Afghanistan.
DIRECTOR: Sam French
Producer: Ariel Nasr
Editor: Nels Bangerter
Screenwriter: Sam French, Martin Roe
Cinematographer: Duraid Munajim
Music: James Dooley
Principal Cast: Fawad Mohammadi,Jawanmard Paiz,Wali Talashnnamed.