An adaptation of the cult German television series, ‘Bullyparade,’ will be the first ever German local language film for Amazon Prime and Warner Bros Germany. This adaptation comes two decades after the original series premiered on Germany’s ProSieben. The original co-stars, Rick Kavanian and Christian Tramitz, will return to the cast as well as co-write the screenplay with Herbig and Alfons Biederman. German star Michael Bully Herbig’s banner herbX film will also partner with Amazon and Warner Bros Germany.
Amazon and Netflix both have focused on growing the local language activities within the recent months. These activities inclue both film and television. Slated as of now, Amazon is partnering with BBC Worldwide on Lookout Point’s period fashion drama, ‘The Collection,’ a series set in the world of French haute couture just after World War II. Launching exclusively on Amazon Prime in 2016 for viewers in the United Kingdom. It will be written and executive produced by Oliver Goldstick.