Inspired by the true life story of some homeless people, “Vaya” follows the story of three strangers, who board the train bound for Johannesburg, each on their own mission, with a simple task to complete and in search of a family to help them.

“Vaya” recently earned Omotoso the best director win at the 2017 African Movie  Academy Awards.

He was nominated alongside Daouda Coulibaly, Steve Gukas, Mira Nair, Izu Ojukwu, Daryen Joshua, Alain Gomis, Ala Eddine Slim and Said Khallaf.

Receiving the award, Omotoso revealed that it took the scriptwriters six years to complete the script. He also added that the movie was written by seven different writers.

Two South African films have been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film: “Yesterday” and “Tsotsi”.
The latter won the award at the 78th Academy Awards, becoming the only South African film to do so.

Omotoso was born in Nigeria. He lived in Ile Ife, Osun State until his family emigrated to South Africa in 1992 after his father took an academic appointment with the University of the Western Cape.
An award-winning filmmaker, Omotoso is popular for the ongoing EbonyLife TV series “Fifty the Series,” “Jacob’s Cross,” “Man on Ground,” “Tell Me Something Sweet” among others.



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