The French film Director, Florent-Emilio Siri, began his movie making career with the 1998 social film “Une Minute de Silence” (“One Minute of Silence”), which had good underground success. He continued in 2002 with the action film “Nid de Guêpes” (“The Nest”), before directing two critically acclaimed and highly successful “Splinter Cell” games – “Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow” and ”Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory”. The actor / producer Bruce Willis asked Siri to direct his big-budget 2005 action thriller ”Hostage”, which gained Siri considerable critical praise for his slick directorial style, and for creating “an art house version of the Die…
Author: Rachel O’Meara
The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom, nominated for the 2012 Oscar Documentary Short Films’ Award, is a documentary filmed in Japan after the devastating tsunami of March 11th 2011. It shares the journey of survivors in the areas hardest hit, who find the courage to revive and rebuild right as the cherry blossom season comes to that area, a symbol of hope and new beginnings in Japanese culture. Lucy Walker is best known for directing four award-winning feature documentaries: Devil’s Playground, Blindsight , Waste Land and Countdown To Zero . In 2011, Lucy was nominated for an Academy Award for…
The perfect picture postcard village of Rossport nestles behind the dunes of a remote corner of west Ireland, but this peaceful tranquility belies the turmoil that lies beneath. The unique nature of its coastline, which has sustained generations of farmers and fishermen, has also delivered to Shell Oil the perfect landfall for the Corrib Gas Pipeline and building of nearby refinery. In the most dramatic clash of cultures in modern Ireland, the rights of farmers over their fields, and of fishermen to their fishing grounds, has come in direct conflict with one of the world’s most powerful oil companies. When…