Every year Neda Nobari Foundation, a prestigious non profit organization that supports social justice in arts and culture, casts its spotlight on six people as game changers in the field of social justice.According to the NNF site: “Each year the Neda Nobari Foundation is privileged to work with brilliant and innovative individuals at the intersection of education, social justice, and grassroots activism. These change-makers each in their own way are pioneering new approaches that ignites a transformative potential critical inour 21st century world. Yet they rarely receive the acknowledgement they deserve.”
Bijan Tehrani, Founder and Editor in Chief of Cinema Without Borders is one of the six people in 2019 NNF Spotligh
“I am honored to be included among the incredible creative activists in NNF Spotlight. Such recognition motivates me to work harder to achieve the goals set for CineEqual in promoting social justice cinema” Said Bijan Tehrani