A result of an eight-year documentary journey, the film inhabits the lives of these young girls, leaving the audience to witness firsthand the rippling effects of their fathers’ absence, as well as the love their fathers have for them. What unfolds is an intimate, healing portrait of a generation of youth bearing the weight of mass incarceration, while still showing what is possible. In-person visitation for these families has been systematically shut down across the U.S. since 2014. The only way to connect with incarcerated family members is through costly video calls, creating barriers for families to stay connected while video-conferencing company’s profit.
Through Co-Director Angela Patton, we had one-of-a-kind access to incarcerated fathers going through intensive therapy as a part of the 12-week Date With Dad program in a D.C. jail. Counter to the systematic practices that oppress family bonds, the goal of the program is to strengthen relationships with daughters and other essential life skills for a successful and lasting reintegration into communities after incarceration. By the end of the 12 weeks, we see the fathers prepared as they step into a life-changing dance with their daughters.
While Angela captured and honed the program, Co-Director Natalie Rae delved deeper with the girls and moms, getting to know them and hearing firsthand their stories and the ripple effects on their lives over the course of five years.
Director: Angela Patton, Natalie Rae
Producers: Lisa Mazzotta, Natalie Rae, Justin Benoliel, Mindy Goldberg, Sam Bisbee, Kathryn Everett, Laura Choi Raycroft, James Cunningham
Executive Producers: Kerry Washington, Pilar Savone, Angela Patton, Joel Edgerton, Jessica Seinfeld, Hallee Adelman, Lydia Kives, J.M. Harper, Lance Acord, Jackie Kelman Bisbee, Wendy Neu, Dom Thomas, Morgan Clement, Jessica Taneja, Bryn Mooser, Shane Riley, Harland Weiss, Donovan M. Boden, Isil Gilderdale, Emily Harris