“The Servant”, the acclaimed short animation by Iranian director Farnush Abedi, has scored another triumph by winning the award for best animated film at the Horrible Imaginings Film Festival in San Diego, California, the organizers announced.

The film is about a servant who becomes a master and a bug becomes his servant. After a while, the man understands that he has begun a game that has no rules.

“The Servant” has been screened at many Iranian and international events and won several awards from some of them.

The movie was selected as best animation at 19th Iran Cinema Celebration in Tehran last week. It also won an honorable mention at the Fresco International Film Festival in Yerevan, Armenian early September.

The Horrible Imaginings Film Festival, which was organized at the Museum of Photographic Arts from September 8 to 10, was founded in 2010 by Miguel Rodriguez to promote and spotlight exemplary new artistic voices in what is commonly known as the horror genre.


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