KITBULL, directed by Rosana Sullivan and produced by Kathryn Hendrickson, reveals an unlikely connection that sparks between two creatures: a fiercely independent stray kitten and a pitbull. Together, they experience friendship for the first time.
KITBULL is among the five nominees for the Short Animated Film Oscar.
We had the opportunity of interviewing Rosana Sullivan and Kathryn Hendrickson on camera:
Rosana Sullivan, director of the KITBULL joined Pixar Animation Studios in April 2011. She worked as a story artist on THE GOOD DINOSAUR, and the Academy Award®-winning feature film COCO. Sullivan also directed the SparkShorts film KITBULL that debuted in February 2019.
As a story artist, Sullivan provides visual storytelling to a project’s script pages, utilizing compositional staging, environment, and character blocking. Each story board aims to maximize drama and entertainment, while making the story point clear as possible.
Story artists have to draw characters acting, camera moves, and very limited effects animation to sell an idea or emotion.
Prior to Pixar, Sullivan attended the University of San Francisco before earning an internship with Pixar University. She later attended Academy of Art University, and worked for Kabam gaming studio in San Francisco.
Born in Charleston, SC, Sullivan grew up in Texas and San Francisco.