In Over The Moon, Fei Fei,  a bright young girl fueled with determination and a passion for science, builds a rocket ship to the moon to prove the existence of a legendary Moon Goddess. There she ends up on an unexpected quest, and discovers a whimsical land of fantastical creatures. Directed by animation legend Glen Keane, and produced by Gennie Rim and Peilin Chou, Over the Moon is an exhilarating musical adventure about moving forward, embracing the unexpected, and the power of imagination. The film stars Cathy Ang, Phillipa Soo, Ken Jeong, John Cho, Ruthie Ann Miles, Sandra Oh, Robert G. Chiu, Margaret Cho, and Kimiko Glenn.

Over The Moon is on NETFLIX now and to learn more about making of this film, we had the pleasure of interviewing the legendary Glen Keane, director of the film:

GLEN KEANE (Director)
A 38-year veteran of Walt Disney Feature Animation, Glen Keane trained under Walt Disney’s Nine Old Men. Keane went on to create many beloved Disney characters such as The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Beast, Tarzan, and Rapunzel. In 2012, Keane departed Disney to begin Glen Keane Productions as a way to further his artistic explorations in animation, design, and film. He has since gone on to collaborate with Google, the Paris Ballet, and Kobe Bryant. His most recent project is the Academy Award-winning animated film Dear Basketball, which he animated and directed in collaboration with legends Kobe Bryant and John Williams. He has currently directed OVER THE MOON, an animated feature, a co-production with Pearl Studio and Netflix, due to be released in 2020.


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