OUR UNIFORM, directed by Yegane Moghadam and nominated for the Short Animation Oscar in 2024 is the story of an Iranian girl unfolds her school memories through the wrinkles and fabrics of her old uniform. She admits that she’s nothing but a “female” and explores the roots of this idea in her school years.

The following is our interview with Yegane Moghadam about making of OUR UNIFORM:

Yegane Moghaddam is an Iranian animator and illustrator who has a strong passion for nature, culture and the reality she lives in. Her works are usually centered around the theme of nature and conservation. Currently She is working on her three-part animated series, portraying different aspects of living as a girl in a restricted society. Her debut film Our Uniform, is part one of this short collection which is an autobiographical story about school uniforms in Iran and how young girls accept this clothing convention as part of their everyday life.


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