Hollywood, California – February 25, 2007 – Tonight “The Lives of Others” won the Best Foreign Language Film Award, Other movies nominated in this category were  After the Wedding. Days of Glory, Pan’s Labyrinth and water.
“The Lives of Others” Das Leben der Anderen, the 2007 Oscar winner was the official entry of Germany. 1984. “Before the Fall of the Berlin Wall, East Germany’s Secret Police Listened to Your Secrets”. Directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, “The Lives of Others”, shows us the intricate, extremely methodical system of surveillance imposed upon the masses in former East Germany prior to the toppling of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The omniscient Secret Police/Stasi infiltrated the very lives of others, knowing the most intimate detail and essential becoming one with their chosen target. Taking us into the usual routine of highly respected yet impassive Capt. Gerd Weisler (Ulrich Muhe), he eventually becomes affected by the very lives he swore to spy on for dissidence; all in the name of socialism and protection of the GDR (German Democratic Republic).

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