The veteran British filmmaker Richard Leacock, a prominent member of the cinema vérité movement of the sixties, will be the guest of honor at the second annual Iranian International Documentary Festival to be held later this year.
Organized by Iran’s Documentary & Experimental Film Center, the festival is organized around the program, titled “Cinema Vérité, and will focus on the prominent films and filmmakers that propelled the sixties vérité movement in America.
Based on the principle of capturing truth on film, the cinema vérité movement that materialized in America and Britain in the 1960’s held to the ideology of leaving the camera to be a fly on the wall, allowing the filmmaker and the filmmaking process to be virtually unnoticeable.
Leacock, along with Robert Drew and D.A. Penebbaker, was one of the founders of the influential vérité bastion, Drew Associates, and is known as a pioneer in the cinema vérite movement. As a member of Drew Associates, Leacock helped pioneer the use of hand held cameras and sync sound that enabled the filmmakers superior mobility and a greater sense of reality. In 1964 Leacock co directed “Lambert, Hendricks & Co.” with Robert Drew.
The second annual Iran International Documentary Film Festival will take place from October 15th through the 19th, and will be held in Tehran. For more information please visit