Three women is a production directed by Manijeh Hekmat (Director of  Women Prison) starring Iranian actress Niki Karimi (Minou-the mother), Pegah Ahangarani (Pegah-The daughter) and Maryam Boubani (The grandmother) as three generations of women linked not only by blood but have the symbol of a rug as a common binding theme.

The story begins with Minou, a Persian rug restorer who is in a struggle. A museum that she does work for has given reason for a patron to sell his valuable carpet because of delinquent payments. She inadvertently steals the carpet from the buyer and with her mother, who has Alzheimer’s in tow, and tries to buy time to raise the money needed. Within the same time period her daughter has vanished from her school and no one, not even her closest friends knows where she may be. To add to her despair her mother disappears with the rug.

The film then focuses on each of the woman’s stories. We witness Minou’ frantic search for both her mother and daughter, grandmother’s attempt to reconnect with a dim past and young Pegah’s search for her connection in this world.

The film is beautifully poetic and at a good pace. Director, Hekmat and Editor Mostafa Kherghehpoosh make sure that the audience feels part of the film and makes an otherwise difficult story successfully translate to screen.


Michael MacDonald is student majoring in animation at The Art Institute of California, Los Angeles. In younger days he was a Film Studies major at The University of Colorado at Boulder. He has been an assistant manager of a movie theater and has spent some time in the U.S. Army. He has always enjoyed the captivating power of film and lives for those moments when art hits home and really makes you feel.

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