The debut feature film from Director Florencia Manóvil is having its World Premiere at Method Fest in Los Angeles. Fiona’s Script centers around Fiona (played by Sonia Montejano), a writer who uses her art to escape from the pain of a break-up. However, the fantasy world she has created for herself doesn’t last long, as Fiona meets and falls for the charismatic ‘L’, who propels her toward the nowness and reality that she has been avoiding in her life.

Owner of Mynah Films, Manóvil uses her work to give a voice to underrepresented groups, like women and the LGBT community. Says Manóvil, “With Fiona’s Script, I wanted to make a movie that would not only represent a certain kind of young woman, but also provide comfort and inspiration for all girls struggling through the process of coming into their own.”

Manóvil is thrilled about screening at Method Fest, which is now in its 11th year. It’s the only festival in the U.S. that celebrates the actor, paying tribute to a host of fine performances throughout the years from people like James Earl Jones, Dennis Hopper, Martin Laundau, and Ruby Dee.
Fiona’s Script screens at Method Fest on Saturday, March 28th, at 9:15pm. It will go up at Founders Hall at the Calabasas Civic Center. Following the film, there will be a Q&A; with Manóvil and several of the actresses–Giovannie Espiritu, Deirdre Renee Draginoff, Kathreen Khavari, and Melissa Valentine. Tickets can be purchased at:


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