The Hong Kong International Film Festival recently released its lineup. Opening night will feature Chongquing Hot Pot, a comedy directed by Yang Quing, and Trivisa, a gangster thriller. Ending the festival will be Creepy, a thriller by horror king Kurosawa Kyoshi.

Among the screenings will be a celebration of Jet Tone Films’ 25th anniversary, world-renowned director Wong Kar Wai’s film production company. With fifteen of Jet Tone’s films slated to show between HKIFF competitors, festival attendees will have the opportunity to check out two productions never before screened in Hong Kong, The Grandmaster and Eros: The Hand.

“Hungarian filmmaker Bela Tarr, Taiwanese director Tsai Ming-liang, Japanese filmmaker Sono Sion, Creepy helmer Kurosawa and French-Canadian auteur Denis Cote will visit Hong Kong for screenings of their films. Tarr will present a master class after the screening of his film, The Turin Horse.” – Hollywood Reporter.

The Hong Kong International Film Festival will have 240 films from 66 countries and regions. Of those, 63 films will hold their world, international, and Asian premiers.

Events will start March 21st and run until April 3th.


Daniel Wyatt Phillips is a screenwriter, director, illustrator, and reviewer born and raised in Chicago, IL, he enjoys long walks on the beach, peperoni pizza, and worshiping at the shrine of Stanley Kubrick. Currently transplanted to Los Angeles to pursue a career in writing and directing. To check out his range of work, visit:

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