ANIMATION IS FILM FESTIVAL is a major animation festival produced by GKIDS in collaboration with Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Variety, and ASIFA Hollywood. The inaugural event takes place October 20-22, 2017 at the historic Mann’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood (TCL Chinese 6 Theater) and features a highly selective showcase of the best animated films from around the world, plus red carpet, filmmaker Q&As, special events, receptions, short film programs, VR Lounge, and both juried and audience awards.

ANIMATION IS FILM fills a gap in the market by launching a world class animation festival in the US, with its home in the world capital of filmmaking. The Festival embraces the highest aspirations of animation as a cinematic art form on par with live action, and will be vocal advocate for filmmakers who push the boundaries of their work to the fullest range of expression that the medium is capable of.

The purpose of the Festival is to:

  • Present a highly selective, annual showcase of the best new works of animation from around the world, with programs for both adults and families.
  • Champion and support filmmakers who use animation to pursue unique cinematic visions and who are unconstrained by conventional notions of what animation is capable of.
  • Champion and support women filmmakers.
  • Champion and support filmmakers from a wide range of cultural, economic, national and geographic backgrounds.
  • Have a positive impact on Los Angeles’ diverse communities by making the Festival programs available to the widest range of audiences.

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