The Lithuanian Film Tax Incentive came into effect in January 2014 as a new policy measure to foster local and foreign film production in Lithuania. Recently, it has been extended until 31 December 2028. The Lithuanian Film Tax Incentive provides an opportunity to save money on film production budgets through a private investment scheme.

The key information relating to the incentive is as follows: you can save up to 30% of your film production budget, and it is available for the production of feature films, TV dramas, documentaries and animated films, including domestically produced, co-produced or commissioned films (produced under the service agreement).

As a foreign filmmaker, you must cooperate with one of the local production companies that submit the application. The local firm takes on the responsibility of finding a local business willing to support up to 30% of your production budget in exchange for reduced corporate income tax.

The Film Tax Incentive is only available for films that meet the approved production and cultural criteria requirements. For more detailed information on the requirements, please click here.

The project has to meet all of the following production criteria:

  • At least three days of shooting must take place in Lithuania over the course of the production (except for animated projects);
  • At least 20% of an animated film’s production costs in Lithuania must be incurred for producing two of the following elements: shooting (if required by the script); character and/or background design; layouts and/or storyboards; visual effects; or 2D, 3D, stop-motion and other forms of animation production;
  • At least 51% of the crew hired by the Lithuanian production company must be citizens of Lithuania or citizens of other European Economic Area (EEA) countries; and
  • The total amount of eligible spending in Lithuania has to be no less than €43,000.

Thanks to the Lithuanian Film Tax Incentive, in 2024, film productions received €18,109,633. Foreign projects received €10,854,586, co-production projects secured €1,604,252, and national projects were given €5,650,795. Last year, the Lithuanian Film Tax Incentive was used by 67 national, ten co-production and 12 foreign (production service-based) film projects.

The biggest foreign projects that benefited from the Lithuanian Film Tax Incentive in 2024 were: a new adaptation of the mystery novel Smilla’s Sense of Snow (Germany – Constantin Television), which received €2,684,115; the historical mini-series Sisi 4 (Germany/Austria – Epic Drama), which secured €2,201,050; and the TV drama Truth and Conviction (USA – Truth and Treason), based on a true story, which received €1,097,105.

The requirements to be fulfilled in order for a project to be considered a minority co-production are as follows:

  • A (preliminary) co-production agreement must be in place that complies with the provisions of the European Convention on Cinematographic Co-production or other international co-production treaties between Lithuania and other countries;
  • Production companies must deliver substantial information confirming that the financing for production which makes up no less than 50% of the entire budget has already been secured;
  • 95% of the financial grant should be spent in Lithuania; and
  • A script or script treatment must have been written in Lithuanian.

Finally, the maximum amounts of funding per project (for which agreements must be provided) are up to €100,000 if the project involves at least one Lithuanian film editor, sound director, costume designer, main actor, senior animation artist or senior animation frame artist; and up to €200,000 if the project involves at least one Lithuanian co-author/director, scriptwriter, DoP, production designer, composer, director of animation or senior animation character artist.

Source: Cineuropa


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