IFC Films will distribute the upcoming comedy, The Death of Stalin, to America’s masses. The political satire feature film was written and directed by Armando Iannucci, who created HBO’s Veep out of his British political satire The Thick Of It. IFC Films retrieved the North American rights at the Berlin Film Festival’s European Film Market.

The Death of Stalin trailer introduces all the key players in the game of succession to the Soviet Union’s leadership. The deputy, the politician, the son, the general, the spymaster – snaky little shits, all of them, but most can run and plot at the same time. It’s very loosely based on true events.

Here’s the official synopsis:
“The internal political landscape of 1950’s Soviet Russia takes on darkly comic form in a new film by Emmy award-winning and Oscar-nominated writer/director Armando Iannucci. In the days following Stalin’s collapse, his core team of ministers tussle for control; some want positive change in the Soviet Union, others have more sinister motives. Their one common trait? They’re all just desperately trying to remain alive.”

Source: Den of Geek


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